Category: Build Your Side Hustle
Start Smart: Budgeting and Financial Tips to Grow Your Side Hustle with Confidence Starting a side hustle is an exciting way to boost your income, work toward financial goals, and potentially lay the foundation...
Are you thinking about starting a part-time entrepreneurship venture? Before diving in headfirst, it’s essential to make sure you have all the necessary tools and skills. Here are eight essential things you need to...
In order to declare success, you have to be able to measure your growth. That means you need to have a clear picture of where you are right now, so you know where exactly...
To grow you income, you need more customers. That in turn means you need more people to sign up for your list. Where do these new subscribers come from? You get them by increasing...
Today I want to share my thinking process for setting smart business goals with you. I like to work backwards from a financial goal to daily to-do lists. Here’s how that works. It always...
Throughout this short little series on setting business goals, I’ve mentioned the importance of writing said goals down. That isn’t just because it’s easy to forget. There’s a lot more to it and there...
When you use the basic concept of exponential growth to your advantage, it doesn’t take very much progress in any one area to see big results. We briefly touched on this idea back on...
We tend to think that most opposition comes from around us—a complaining spouse, a controlling boss, a road-raging driver—but rarely do we acknowledge the truth of the matter: we are often our own worst...
Optimism…it’s a four syllable word that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa. But believe it or not, you too can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up...
There are some pretty amazing defense mechanisms in nature. Sea slugs squirt out their own intestines to make a veiled escape. Birds like peacocks and turkeys ruffle their feathers. Small animals like bugs and...